Settup up xbox 360 wireless adapter for pc
Settup up xbox 360 wireless adapter for pc

settup up xbox 360 wireless adapter for pc

If you check the forums, you’ll see that most gamers recommend getting an Xbox 360 controller since it’s the best-supported option for Windows-based PCs. Perhaps it has a bizarre keyboard setup that you can’t change, or it’s just designed to be played with a controller. No matter how much you love playing games the traditional way, with a keyboard and a mouse, you’ll find a game that just feels off. Is it complicated? Do you even have to do it? So you may be wondering how to connect an Xbox 360 controller to a PC. If you do some digging, you’ll find out that the Xbox 360 controller is the best choice for a majority of games. While a mouse and a keyboard combo is a time-tested setup, sooner or later, you’ll probably need a controller.

settup up xbox 360 wireless adapter for pc

With the rise of the indie scene and a multitude of digital storefronts selling games at discounts, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying whatever game you want. The selection of games on PC is better than ever.

Settup up xbox 360 wireless adapter for pc