Xamarin forms visual studio 2019
Xamarin forms visual studio 2019

xamarin forms visual studio 2019

In the manifest, we also need to specify the permissions our app requires to run. API Version distribution chart in Android Studio (as of October 2021). So it is safe to set the minimum Android API Level to be 21. According to the chart provided in Android Studio, we can see that 94.1% of the Android devices are already using API Level 21 and above as of October 2021. In addition, in order to not make our app to run on Android devices which are still using the discontinued Dalvik VM, we shall set minimum Android API Level to be 21 at least. Hence, it is preferable to delete the Label property here and set the name in the Android Manifest instead with strings.xml. However, please take note that the value of Label here will override the app name value in the Android Manifest. We also can customise our app name by updating the Label property in MainActivity Activity attribute. Step 0.1: App Name, Icon, and MainActivity By default, MainLauncher will be set to true for MainActivity class to state that the MainActivity is where our app starts up. There are many properties in the Activity attribute. It has an attribute called Activity which lets Android know that the class is part of the app managed by the Android Manifest. In the Android project, we will see a class called MainActivity which is used to powered our Android app. Step 0: Configure MainActivity And Android Manifest Hence, today in this article, we will see how we can publish our Android app which is newly built using Xamarin.Forms in AAB format to the Google Play Store. AAB also makes our app smaller (on average, 15% smaller than a universal APK) and faster to download. AAB is a publishing format that includes all the compiled code and resources of our app, and defers APK generation and signing to Google Play. However, starting from August 2021, if we have new apps to be published to the Google Play Store, we must use the AAB format, or Android App Bundle, instead.ĪAB was first introduced in May 2018. In the past, we published our Android app with APK, or Android Package file format, to the Google Play Store.

Xamarin forms visual studio 2019